Tuesday, March 3, 2009


because i've been thinking about the importance of conversation and two sided dialogue this week, i wanted to share one with you...

it takes place in a coffee shop between college aged people.

girl: so youre a minister huh? hows that work for ya?

guy: well, good i guess. jesus means a lot to me, so it...

girl: (cutting him off) really? i mean, don't shit me here... really? cause you seem like a normal enough guy. you really believe in what youre doing here?

guy: (unable to stop laughing) really. and thanks for thinking i'm normal i guess. but yeah, i'm not feeding you a line. i get to talk about what matters most in my life. i know that may sound dramatic, but its true.

girl: see, i never grew up talking about god a whole lot, and if my mom talked about it with me it was pretty abstract and you know, whatever works for you kinda thing. i think i like it better that way. but i don't know. i do actually try to think about god though... i'd consider myself spiritual for sure.

guy: thats respectable. and responsible. i'm glad you think. too many people don't. what do you think through?

girl: lots of things. i think a great spirit probably hovers over our lives, and it may be love i guess... yeah, if i were to say there was a god it would probably be love in the purest form i guess. does that make sense?

guy: yeah, it does. thats really intresting.

girl: yeah?

guy: well yeah, i haven't ever thought about it like that... when youre thinking, what do you think about Jesus, or do you ever?

girl: hmm... well, honestly i don't think i like the idea of Jesus so much.

guy: (laughing again... probably not the funniest thing he's ever heard, but he laughed because it was surprising) really? usually people at least think he's nice or whatever.

girl: well, i mean yeah. i guess he's nice. i don't know. his name and stuff gets thrown around with all kids of stupid shit. wars, manipulation, big churches...

guy: true. it does. it sucks and makes me real sad.

girl: yeah?

guy: well yeah. because see, i actually like him. i hate how he gets thrown under the bus all the time and hate when we do crazy stuff and say "jesus made me do it" and it makes me sick at my stomach how we make him look sometimes... but him. the real him. he's so exciting and weird and good and kind and crazy and... and... good. and i like him. really, i know that may sound crazy to you but i love the guy. a real, honest, deep... love. i love his self. him. its hard to explain i guess...

girl: no... no, that sounds... i don't know.

guy: crazy?

girl: no. like it sounds right or something. i don't know. or just good. you want another cup of coffee?

guy: sure, ill get you one too. another latte?

and that was it. they got to talk more later, and she brought up faith in conversation a few more times. but during that sit down in the coffee shop, they takled about music, movies, and masters degrees. and the guy was okay with that.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i like this. because it's real and true and allowed the girl to feel comfortable expressing her views. people just need someone to listen to them without necessarily an agenda, but a real interest in what they are thinking. listening with compassion. good stuff!