Tuesday, January 20, 2009

reprise, again

This semester we’re going to start a series called “reprise again.” We’re going to try to take a good look at the life of Jesus focusing on the disciplines of the kingdom. But we aren’t going to focus on the one’s I’ve been taught for so long as the pillars and foundations of my faith like bible reading, prayer, fasting… although I believe strongly in these and try with all myself to practice them. We’re instead going to look intently at the actions Jesus disciplined himself to enjoy with those around him. Giving to the poor, feeding the hungry, enjoying a party, redeeming the prisoner, and healing the sick are a few. We want to see his life come alive to us again. We want to be made alive with him.

I’m going to try and blog twice a week as I study and find people who I believe really believe and practice these disciplines. One entry a week will be my thoughts while studying scripture and the other will be a look at a friend’s story. I want this series to change my life. I want our students to enjoy the Kingdom of God as much as we dream we can.

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