Tuesday, September 9, 2008

sometimes i roll my eyes at myself

our college fellowship last night went well. it wasn't life changing, but it wasn't disappointing either. there were 10 or so bible college students and 4 from university of guam, making about 16 of us all together counting me and the faculty advisors. we prayed together, shared a little about our lives, i shared a short talk, and we discussed my hopes for the ministry. a few funny things hapened i wanted to share with you:

1. i was late. yep, me. i know my friends in ct can't imagine that, but its true. the college minister who invited everyone to the get together was late. one of my friends called and needed help getting her buddy's car out of the middle of the street. i went to help and didn't make it back before some students got there. its only just this second that it seems humerous to me.

2. i, like my friend kirk, spilled water on the front of my pants before giving the mini-message.

3. it gets dark in guam just like all other normal parts of the world. we met outside this first time and since i was late it got dark by the time we tried reading out of our bibles.

4. kfc took forever giving me the chicken for the meal. all that was going on in my head was the sandlot quote "4...e...ver. 4...e...ver."

5. once i got into my truck after getting the chicken, my truck died. i swore and prayed (cancelling each other out im sure) and it got me home.

6. i think i creeped out a freshman guy. i told him i wanted to buy him lunch this week forgetting that outside of some church and ministry circles its not super normal to do that. he looked confused, but maybe because im bigger than him he said ok. he seems real cool.

all in all the night was intresting to say the least. hopefully we'll have club status on the campus soon and will be able to have meetings like that at uog. thats what we're praying for.


Kirk said...

Oh my goodness...I greatly love this post, especially creeping out the freshmen guy by asking him to lunch. There are so many things inside the church that we are totally unaware the rest of the world doesn't get. Its like we're speaking Christianese with our actions. Like we're the wrong kind of foreigners or tourists. LIke Borat or something.

I'm so glad that things went well.

Anonymous said...

i'm getting some early days of the pub vibes from your posts...well except for the 16 people thing, i don't think that ever happened here, haha. we miss you, dude.