Monday, September 15, 2008

remember remember...

for the next few days / weeks i'm going to be reading through my journal i took with me to africa a few years ago. i want to relearn or remember the things i saw God do and what i learned on the 6 week trip. for the next weeks i'm going to try writing some of the stories from the hospice... some may not interest anyone but me, but i want to work through some of those hard questions again. i want to remember. i'm reading through the psalms right now and have been reminded to remember remember remember. so that's what i want to do.

i'm sure i'll interrupt this blog series ("blog series" can only be written by a huge nerd i'm sure, but i swear im not trying to be presumptuous) when i do something stupid i want to tell everyone about or when we move forward significantly in the college ministry, but i want to focus on the people i met in the hospice and how i saw the kingdom of heaven move in those hallways and rooms.

maybe i'll better understand this "at hand" kingdom Jesus teaches about.

1 comment:

B. Simp said...

sounds like a great idea! i loved hearing those stories immediately following your return from S.A. Inspire me again please!