Wednesday, February 18, 2009

jesus healed people.

its been a while since the last post, but i've been busy. we're having our bible study in the dorm for the first time tonight, so i've kinda been scrambling.

tonight we're talking about healing. i just looked at that sentence and all the normal doubts and fears and arguements surrounding this subject attacked my brain. sometimes i'm afraid to talk about it because i worry i'm being super spiritual or charasmatic. other times i want to list all the times Jesus doesn't heal and talk about comfort. right now i just want to make a crazy face and throw my cap down in frustration because jesus never seems to heal the same way twice. there's no boxed method around all the stories in the bible.

he spits in a guy's eye (or at least puts it there after playing with it in the dirt), he lets a few blind guys screamand fumble their way through a crowd, he heals casually (if you can use that word for Jesus) while sitting down on a hill, he heals with touch, he doesn't heal at all sometimes, he heals from far, other times he's close and whispers, sometimes he heals relationships, he gives emotional healing, he heals groups, couples, face to face... he heals men, women, children, the poor, the rich, the soldier, the beggar.

and today while thinking about Jesus i realized something profound to me. its simple really, but a lot of times we fret over how to heal or when to heal or the faith to heal or who to heal and we miss a very simple reality. He just did it. Jesus healed people. all the time. it characterized his coming and his disciples and his church. it didn't just happen around him, he made it happen. so maybe we should look at this with a little more simplicity. maybe we should just heal people. mend wounds that broken relationships cause. heal wounds caused by our broken world and evil men. too often destroying or breaking things chacterizes our lives, now its time to put broken things back together. we should be healers.

that may mean we ask god boldly to heal our sick uncle. it may mean we listen to a heartbroken friend 9 nights in a row. it may mean that we stay with a broken marriage and put it back together. but i know we are supposed to heal.

1 comment:

B. Simp said...

i definately's hard to think that we too can heal people. I think we make too much of it sometimes. when i see benny hen on tv, i just get pissed off, when i see info-commercials about holy water/oil, i am just a mad. but could we possibly by the grace of god heal?

it's not a magic oil or a slap on the forehead (also known as a catholic blessing) then a push accompanied by a violent fall. it's jesus! jesus heals in ways we can't even imagine. we must be the carriers of faith and perserverance