i was thinking it may be good to list some creative ideas i've read or heard or tired myself to get involved with the less fortunate around us. these ideasw aren't always fulfilling the gospel in and of themselves, and if just left to "acts of kindness" are perhaps lacking in the sharing life area... but they may be a helpful start.
1. ask someone's story. me and a friend in boston once just sat by a homeless guy next to the subway and asked about his life. he seemed surprised to have someone actually ask him questions. his story was fascinating and sad and intresting. then he asked our stories. we sat with the guy for a while and then gave him a few dollars and prayed with him.
2. carry a lighter. my buddy in ct does this because he gets asked for a light from street guys. good conversation ensues.
3. volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen. one day a week can change your world, just ask my friends dave and erin. once a week while they were dating they'd go cook food at a shelter.
4. adopt a family with your lifegroup or sunday school class. my friends kirk and kerra have an amazing life group involved with a struggling family in their community.
5. pray everyday that God makes you generous. the results might be stretching though...
6. alright, this one is sometimes illegal and unsafe if you are alone, but me and friends sometimes pick up guys needing rides. there are some funny stories with this, but usually they end up with good prayer time or at least a thankful rider.
7. pay for the table next to your's meal. this one's tough for most of us, but if the money is there, it helps teach the kids to be generous.
8. at christmas, my friend randy bond and family make christmas lists... of what they want to GIVE each other, not receive. and you know, their kids like giving more than getting.
9. be on the watch for ways to give. my roomate from college daniel was always buying kids shoes or coats or ties for school dances because his ears were opened to needs around him. and the kids at the boys and girls club LOVED him.
10. instead of buying a new coat next year, maybe spend that money on a few to give away.
11. give to some organization or person you believe in. i can't tell you the blessings i've received because my friends didn't eat out for a month and sent that money to me or to the ministry out here.
so again, these are just a few simple ways to be a blessing. what are some ideas you may have? we want to continue to find creative ways to be a blessing, and more than anything else want an open door to be a part of each others lives. and really, write in with things you've done or seen...